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Ralls County Library

Library Technology

Information on Library Computers, Wi-Fi, and Printer Services

Internet and Computer Use Policy

In line with the Mission Statement, Ralls County Library makes available to all residents of Ralls County access to public computers, printing and wireless internet connectivity.  In utilizing computer and internet technology on the premises (inside and outside the building, on library computers or a personal device), users consent to the terms outlined in this Policy. 

Given the variety of information available online, the library takes no responsibility for the content of said information, which may be outdated, incorrect or incomplete.  Similarly, the Library is not responsible for information that users may find distasteful or offensive.  Finally, the Library assumes no responsibility for any personal information that may be compromised, altered or lost; users submit personal information at their own risk. 

In accordance with the library’s goal to provide all users with safe access to information, all public computers in the building are equipped with filtering software.  This Policy upholds the principles of intellectual freedom, allowing adults to make their own choices regarding filtering for themselves and minors in their care.  Children under 18 are limited to filtering levels set by Library Staff unless accompanied by a caregiver or legal guardian. 

Any user observed willfully:

  •       Accessing obscenity and/or pornography
  •       Accessing material harmful to minors
  •       Harassing, bullying, libeling or slandering
  •       Using the internet for any illegal or unethical purpose
  •       Damaging equipment
  •       Altering computer hardware or software
  •       Disrupting electronic communications
  •       Violating copyright or software licensing
  •       Violating another user’s privacy

Will be asked to leave for the day and may have their computer privileges revoked.

Printing and Faxing Services

Ralls County residents are allowed use of the public printer, copier (black and white only) and fax machine, though staff reserves the right to limit the number of pages printed. 

Technology Assistance

Library staff may offer limited assistance for those in need of basic technology help, but will not provide sustained or intensive personal computer instruction. 


Reviewed and approved by the Board of Trustees August 09, 2022