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Ralls County Library

Library Rules

General rules and code of conduct for the library

Ralls County Library Policies 

1. Behavioral Guidelines 

  1. Petitioning and Distribution of Literature 
  2. Community Bulletin Board 
  3. Meeting Room 
  4. Patron Behavior in Library Facilities 
  5. Patron Behavior in Outdoor Facilities 
  6. Public Service to Minors 
  7. Food and Drink in the Library 
  8. Discrimination 
  9. Photography and Recording 
  10. Petitioning and Distribution of Literature 

While on library property, an outside (non-affiliated) group or individual may not solicit personal information (including but not limited to names, addresses, phone numbers, etc.) from library patrons and/or program participants. Solicitation for signatures is not permitted within the library building or within 15 feet of a library entrance or exit. 

2. Community Bulletin Board 

Public bulletin board space is provided inside the library. Public events, employment/volunteer opportunities, items and/or services for sale or hire are permitted, pending approval of library staff. All items must be dated, and will be removed monthly. Any items placed on the board become the property of the library, and will not be returned. 

3. Meeting Room  

Ralls County Library has a small meeting room (capacity 6-10) open to the public during normal library operating hours. Space must be reserved 24 hours prior to the start of the meeting, and will be made on a first-come first-served basis. Meetings must conclude no later than 30 minutes prior to library closing. 

The meeting room is not available for the purpose of sports practice, private events (birthday parties, showers, receptions etc.) or for any unlawful activity. Users of the meeting room are subject to the patron guidelines set forth elsewhere in this document, and meetings must not disturb or impede the normal functioning of the library. 

4. Patron Behavior in Library Facilities 

The Ralls County Library welcomes everyone. However, a patron may be asked to leave the Library if engaging in behaviors that include, but are not limited to the following: 

Using any electronic devices at a disruptive noise level 

Disrespecting staff and/or patrons 

Using profane, vulgar or loud language or gestures 

Rough-housing, rowdiness, running, fighting or wrestling 

Engaging in sexual conduct or misconduct 

Violating staff directives (mask wearing, social-distancing etc.) 

Children under the age of 12 may not be left in the Library without direct adult supervision. 

5. Patron Behavior in the Library Outdoor Classroom/Pavilion

Ralls County Library has an outdoor space available for community use. Library patrons are welcome to use the space during normal operating hours, except when the space has been reserved. Users of this space agree to abide by the rules of the library and will not use the space for sports practice or any unlawful activity. Use of the outdoor classroom/pavilion should not disrupt other library patrons or the community. All activities shall comply with the ordinances of the city of Center, state laws and regulations. The library director or supervising library employee may terminate any activity or use in progress that violates this policy, endangers the use of the facility or general library operation.

No smoking, alcoholic beverages, illegal substances or fire-lit materials.

No skateboarding, bicycle riding, rollerblading or scooter riding inside the fenced area. 

Pavilion must be left clean; trash placed in trash receptacles provided. Lights and fans turned off when leaving. 

User is responsible for the conduct of their guest and will be held responsible for any missing or damaged property. 

6. Public Service to Minors 

The library is not intended or licensed to act as a daycare provider or after-school care facility, summer camp or babysitting service. The library is not responsible for the care of unattended minors. 

Unattended minors not abiding by the behavioral guidelines set forth elsewhere in this document will be asked to leave and/or have parents/guardians contacted to be escorted off the premises. 

The library believes it to be the right and responsibility of parents/guardians to determine what is appropriate content for their charges. Parents/guardians are therefore encouraged (when possible) to accompany their charges to either select materials/content for them, or review their selections. The library staff, director or board is not responsible for any individual's selection of library content or material. 

7. Food and Drink in the Library 

For the protection of library property and personal safety, consuming food and/or beverages not allowed in the library. If a group has reserved the meeting room, exceptions may be made, pending staff approval. In such a case, the group reserving the room will be responsible for cleaning the area before leaving. 

8. Discrimination 

 The Ralls County Library prohibits the discrimination, harassment or retaliation toward an individual or group on the basis of race, color, religion, gender identification, national origin, age, disability or any other characteristic protected by law. Willful engagement in such behavior while on library property will not be tolerated and may result in suspension of library privileges. 

9. Photography and Recording 

Programs and/or events sponsored by the library may be photographed or recorded by library staff. Attendance at a library-sponsored program or event constitutes the consent of all attendees, and the consent of the parents or legal guardians of any minor children in attendance, to the future broadcast, publication or other use of images or videos at the discretion of the library. 

No commercial, or media photography or recording may occur on library property without the prior permission and approval of the library director. The library may utilize images and videos from public programs and events within the library, on our website or social media sites, and in library publications. 

Reviewed and Approved by the Board of Trustees - October 10, 2023.